
How can I begin to tell you about Kevin? I found him at one of the lowest points in my life. I say one, because my life has been a series of low points with no clear way out. Then I found Kevin. Everything has changed. He's supportive, open minded and honest. He calls me out when I'm going in the wrong direction with my thoughts and that gets me out of my head, and back on track. I've not had a suicidal thought since we began—and I was truly on the edge when we started. I highly recommend trying him out. He is absolutely the best therapist I've found in 50 years of struggle.

Chrystal, 67

Fuck yeah. I learned that I have literally 7/10 of the Cognitive Distortions gotta be mindful of that when I start getting anxious. My therapist out here doing WERK.

Nancy, 28

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi volutpat justo sed efficitur cursus. Mauris fringilla quam vitae lacinia viverra.

Ella Perez

Nutrition Expert, Food Villa

Mauris eros dolor, pellentesque sed luctus dapibus, lobortis a orci. Cras pulvinar lorem elit, vel laoreet magna feugiat necam ut consequat enim.

Elsie Ross

Software Developer